Help & Support
How do I create my PaintFlow account?

How do I create my PaintFlow account?

Before you can begin using PaintFlow, you must first create an account. To get started, follow these steps:

  1. Open the PaintFlow app.
  2. The login screen will open. Click on the Sign Up link below the Login button.
  3. Enter your first name.
  4. Enter your last name.
  5. Enter your email address.
  6. Create a password. Make sure to document it somewhere in case you forget it.
  7. Enter the password again to confirm. (Note: The password must be at least 8 characters long.)
  8. Enter your phone number, using hyphens to separate the area code, prefix and number: i.e., 555-555-5555.
  9. To review the Terms of Service or Privacy Policy, click on the links above the button.
  10. To finish this step of account creation, click the Agree and Continue button.

The next step is to set up your branding details. This information will be shown in your Proposals and give them a more professional look:

  1. Click the Upload Logo button and choose your logo from your photo library. (Note this is optional, so if you don't have a logo file handy, skip it for now.)
  2. Enter the main phone number for your business.
  3. Enter the URL to your business' website.
  4. Click the Upload Headshot button and choose a photo from your photo library. (Again, this is optional so if you don't have one or want to include one, skip it.)
  5. Enter a short description of your business, up to 500 characters long. While this is optional, it is a great way to

Now that your account has been created, you can get started adding your first Client and add a Project to PaintFlow!

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